DMC Fireside Chat

DMC Fireside Chat

Future of Higher Education:Hybrid & Flexible

- English and Japanese with simultaneous interpretation -


DMC Fireside Chat
DMC Fireside Chat(Flyer/PDF)

Keio University Institute of Digital Media and Content invites you to the following Fire Chat Event:

Date: March 1 (Tue) 13:00-16:00 Online

Topics: MOOC's role in the Future of Higher Education


Keio University has been pioneering in the online education practice in higher education since the late 90s. As one of the activities, Keio University has released several online courses on FutureLearn, a global social learning platform, since 2016. After Covid-19 hit us in 2020, like all other universities globally, Keio is also tackling many challenges towards a student-centered educational environment to support their Hybrid & Flexible learning.

Keio University Institute of Digital Media and Content invites you to the following Fire Chat Event to casually share your experience and exchange ideas about how MOOC or online learning can contribute to this transition.


DMC Fireside Chat

March 1 (Tue) 13:00-16:00

Zoom Webinar

13:00-13:10 Opening Ceremony
 Professor Eiji OKADA(Vice-President)
 Professor Keiko OKAWA(Graduate School of Media Design/Director,DMC)
13:10- 14:00 
Invited Talk「How MOOCs Contributed to Higher Education」
  Guest: Daniel Hope
 Customer Success Manager, FutureLearn
  Daniel Hope is a learning and teaching leader with over 10 years experience in developing and delivering learning programs both online and offline. He has received awards for Excellence in Educational Publishing by Australia's National Publishing Association, and Innovation in International Education by the International Education Association of Australia. As FutureLearn's Customer Success Manager Daniel collaborates with universities and industry partners on strategic course development and pedagogy.
Moderator: Professor Keiko OKAWA(Graduate School of Media Design/Director,DMC)
14:00-14:10 Break time
14:10-14:40 Fireside Chat 1 
  Guest: Yohko WATANABE
 Professor and Curator, Keio University Art Center
 Vice Director, Keio Museum Commons
  Specializing in modern and contemporary art history. She previously worked as a curator at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum and Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo. Since 2006, she has been at the Keio University Art Center curating exhibitions (including the contemporary art series titled "Contemporary Eyes" and "Standing Point") and organizing events as well as being actively involved in archive projects. She combines archival activities with exhibitions and workshops, such as the "Tokyo Biennale '70" research project and the Keio architecture project. In recent years, she has become interested in object-based learning (OBL), which she is trying to develop and implement at the Keio Museum Commons.
Moderator: Goki MIYAKITA(Assistant Professor, Keio Museum Commons)
●Online courses related to this session
14:45- 15:15 Fireside Chat 2 
  Guest: Rodney Van Meter
Faculty of Environment and Information Studies
Vice Center Chair of the Keio Quantum Computing Center (KQCC)
  Rodney Van Meter received a B.S. in engineering and applied science from the California Institute of Technology in 1986, an M.S. in computer engineering from the University of Southern California in 1991, and a Ph.D. in computer science from Keio University in 2006. His current research centers on quantum computer architecture and quantum networking. Other research interests include storage systems, networking, and post-Moore's Law computer architecture. He is now a Professor of Environment and Information Studies at Keio University's Shonan Fujisawa Campus. He is the Vice Dean of the Graduate School of Media and Governance, and the Vice Center Chair of Keio's new Quantum Computing Center. Dr. Van Meter is a member of AAAS, ACM and IEEE.
Moderator: Kunitake KANEKO(Associate Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology/Deputy Director,DMC)
●Online courses related to this session
15:20- 15:50 Fireside Chat 3 
  Guest: Chihiro Sato
Senior Assistant Professor at Keio University Graduate School of Media Design
  After an undergraduate degree at Keio University Department of Economics, she entered as the first batch of masters at Keio University Graduate School of Media Design, and earned Ph.D. in Media Design. Previously, Visiting Lecturer at Kings College London, UK. Her service design research activities are around designing markets for economic and cultural consumption by integrating information space and real space. Real project scopes designing a leisure and luxury lifestyle from the W.Benjamin aesthetics and W.Sombart culture perspectives.
Areas of expertise: Service Design, Retailing, Commercial Space Design, Economic Geography
Moderator: Shun ARIMA(Researcher of Keio University Graduate School of Media Design)
●Online courses related to this session
15:50-16:00 Closing Ceremony
 Satoko TOKUNAGA(Professor of Faculty of Letters/Deputy Director,DMC)